Science Driven


Nutrimatters’ Programs, Courses, and Articles are based on peer-reviewed articles published in top-tier journals. We list some of the videos, books, and articles that most influenced our thinking here and update that list as new research is published. Perhaps disappointed at the slow pace that game-changing new nutrition research was reaching those who needed it, several prominent scientists began participating in podcasts, videos, and publishing commercial books intended for the masses. We’ve listed some of these videos, books, and articles here so you can hear it directly from the scientists and researchers.
Remember that because a paper, podcast, video, or book is listed here, it doesn’t mean we fully agree with everything they say. Some include political rhetoric and social commentary. A few are a bit angry and frustrated. Occasionally, brilliant science and research in a specialty falls victim to too much extrapolation outside that specialty. Others are so specialized they aren’t connecting the dots with the brilliant works of other specialties. And some are succumbing to the siren’s song of becoming a social media influencer focusing on monetization. Nevertheless, within these works and the thousands of peer-reviewed papers we’ve studied and put into practice is a path forward to avoid and reverse obesity and metabolic disease.

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Bioreactor - A more accurate descriptive name for the human small intestine.
Bolus - A bolus is a moist compact bundle of macerated (chewed) food containing essential digestive chemicals and enzymes created in the stomach that is mixed with digestive microbes in the bioreactor (small intestine). Creating the optimal size, texture, density, and composition of the bolus reduces the neuromuscular effort of movement through the bioreactor. It also results in the ideal pressure on the bioreactor wall for optimal osmosis, fluid dynamics, and mechanical transit of nutrients and building block molecules for the microbes embedded in the bioreactor that drive much of the body’s biochemistry.
Chemostat - Chemostats are continuously operated bioreactors where growing cells reach a steady state condition at which specific growth rates and biomass, substrate, and product concentrations remain constant.
Cohort - A group of people who share defined characteristics selected to participate in a research study.
Enteric - Of, relating to, or affecting the intestines
Epidemiological - Epidemiological is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why.
Glucose - A single molecule sugar (a monosaccharide) that is the simplest form of sugar used by the body as it’s primary energy source.
Homeostasis - Homeostasis is defined as a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.
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